Frequently Asked Questions

How to get to Las Terrazas from abroad?
There are a few options, one is to arrive at Plata International Airport (35min. away from the resort). You can alternatively arrive in Santiago de los Caballeros (1 hour away) or the capital Santo Domingo (2.5 hours away) from the resort.
Can I own property as a foreigner in the Dominican Republic?
Yes, you can. There are no restrictions for foreigners buying real estate. Foreigners can buy property and have the same rights and obligations as Dominican citizens. A foreigner can buy property without confirming permanent residence. This makes the Dominican Republic one of the best countries in the real estate market.
Where can I go shopping and is it expensive?
In the towns, you will find large and well-stocked supermarkets offering a variety of local groceries and imported goods. You can buy fresh fruit and vegetables from markets or local street vendors.
How is health care in the Dominican Republic?
You can use the services of public hospitals or private clinics. We recommend that you take out insurance for your own security.
Is it safe in the Dominican Republic?
Tourism is the most important part of the local economy, so the locals try to avoid anything that may affect it. There is a risk of theft of things left unattended the same as any country.
Are hurricanes in the Dominican Republic?
No, the DR is located between Cuba and Puerto Rico. Between Hispaniola Island and Puerto Rico, there is a channel called Mona, which is known for its very strong currents and winds, which work in favor of the DR and push storms further north into the Atlantic Ocean.


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